Non-selex-based in-silico modeled aptamers against sars-cov-2 proteins: a systematic review
Abstract:The SARS-CoV-2 transmitted COVID-19 pandemics have constituted a worldwide health challenge. Effective diagnosis and
treatment of COVID-19 demands that a more reliable and rapid detection protocol should be adopted to replace the real time
Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) currently in use. Several researches were focused on the possible application of
Aptamers and aptamer-based biosensors for swift point-of-care detection of the Covid-19 virus. Target-specific aptamers are
generally developed through selection protocol referred to as Systematic Evolution of Ligands by Exponential Enrichment
(SELEX). Conventionally, computational tools are used for post SELEX analysis, optimization and validation of SELEXdeveloped aptamers. SELEX procedure is however tedious, prohibitive, and time-ineffective.
The aim of this review is to identify studies that present new aptamers modeled in silico against target proteins in SARS-CoV2, high lightening the particular in silico methods employed
Relevant articles that employed in silico approaches in designing Aptamers against SARS-CoV-2 proteins, retrieved from
Scopus and PUBMED databases, screened and analyzed.
The study revealed that in silico design of aptamer typical entails construction of Aptamer library, target selection,
structural modeling of apatmer, molecular docking, optimization and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation.
In silico design of Aptamer is therefore a promising time- and cost-effective replacement to SELEX protocol.