kjhs Volume. 4, Issue 1 (2024)


Lukpata P.U, Abraham A, Adugba A.O, Ode A.I. & Otashu K.F.


Amitriptyline Striatal Ischemic Khaya senegalenesis Tinosporacardiofolia Neurovascular unit.

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Anti-inflammatory effects of khaya senegalensis bark and tinospora cordifolia leaf extracts on striatal ischemic injury in rats

Abstract: The striatal synaptic pathways play a crucial role in the functioning of the basal ganglia and are an essential part of the cortical-basal ganglia loops that regulate motor function, emotion, and cognition. The purpose of this study was to examine the potential therapeutic benefits of extracts from the leaves of Tinospora cordifolia (TC) and Khaya senegalensis (KS) on striatal ischemia injury resulting from amitriptyline (AMT). Eleven groups (n = 5) comprising fifty-five adult male Wistar rats weighing between 184 and 254 g were created: Distilled water (2 milliliters per kilogram) was used as a control. The groups that included AMT (750 mg/kg), KS (200 mg/kg) + AMT, KS (300 mg/kg) + AMT, KS (400 mg/kg) + AMT; TC (200 mg/kg) + AMT; TC (300 mg/kg) + AMT; TC (400 mg/kg) + AMT; COM (200 mg/kg) + AMT; COM (300 mg/kg) + AMT and COM (400 mg/kg) + AMT. Treatment was given orally for a period of 14 days. Rats were neck dislocated to stop the experiment and brain tissues were removed and preserved in 10% buffered formal saline. TNF- α result showed a significant increase (p<0.05) by 708.9±28.05δ in AMT-treated rats compared to the control (324.8±7.58). And decreased significantly (328.5±5.24α, 380.4±3.43δ and 375.3±5.50δ) in the treated groups compared to AMT-treated rats. Normal cytoarchitecture of the striatal cells was intact in the control group. AMT rates (Ischemic stroke rats) revealed neurodegenerative changes, characterized by cellular hypertrophy and perivascular edema, and proliferation of reactive astrocytes and microglia. However, the treatment of KS, TC, and COM KS+TC remarkably ameliorates striatal cell degeneration by preserving striatal cell cytoarchitecture, especially with COM KS+TC 400 mg/kg treatment. Findings suggest that COM KS+TC possesses anti-inflammatory properties, which could be of potential benefit in the treatment and management of ischemic stroke.