kjhs Volume. 4, Issue 2 (2024)


Uzorka A, Musa B, Kibirige D & Makumbi D


Point-of-care (POC) microdevices microfluidic organ-on-a-chip telemedicine

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Advancements in microfluidic technologies for point-of-care diagnostics and treatment

Abstract: Healthcare game-changers include point-of-care (POC) medical microdevices that are driven by microfluidic technologies. These micro, transportable technologies revolutionize patient care by offering quick diagnosis, individualized treatments, and monitoring. This study examines the most recent developments in microfluidic POC technologies with an emphasis on systems for organ-on-a-chip, drug administration, and blood analysis. Recent developments have improved disease modeling, permitted precise drug administration, and made blood analysis more patient-centric. Patient care and remote monitoring are improved by integration and communication with healthcare systems. Regulating organizations and cost effectiveness remain problems, though. The advent of sustainable technologies, artificial intelligence (AI) integration, and tailored medication will pave the road for affordable, effective healthcare.