kjhs Volume. 2, Issue 1 (2022)


Shinkafi T.S and Dahiru M.


Microfilariae Lymphatic filariasis Zoonotic disease Neglected Tropical Disease

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Lymphatic filariasis in Africa: a mini review

Abstract: Lymphatic filariasis is a neglected parasitic helminth or zoonotic nematode infection that constitutes a public health problem, particularly in the tropical region. People who live in tropical regions in remote rural villages near rivers and streams are mostly affected by filariasis. The vector of filariasis is the mosquito. It transmits the worm it took from the blood of an infected person to another person. The nematode act by suppressing the immune system of the host. Despite the efforts to eliminate lymphatic filariasis targeted in 2020, the disease still affects the majority of tropical countries. There have been a lot of efforts to eliminate lymphatic filariasis however the effort is not enough as there are increasing cases of the disease. Only a few countries from the African region like Togo were able to eliminate lymphatic filariasis. Mass Drug Administration apart from the use of mosquito nets or wearing globes is an effective control measure to eliminate the debilitating zoonotic disease. Because of the morbidity associated with the disease, there is a need to eliminate it.