Submission Preparation Checklist
- Indicate type of article on title page (e.g. Original Article, Case Report, Review Article, etc)
- Provide complete names, degrees, and contacts / affiliations for all authors
- Designate a corresponding author, with complete mailing and e-mail addresses and telephone +/- fax numbers
- Provide a structured abstract of 150-250 words and 3-6 key words for subject indexing
- Cite references, figures, and tables in recommended formats
- Check all references for completeness and accuracy
- Submit each table / figure on a separate page
- Clearly number figures and indicate orientation. Submit each figure on a separate page
- Identify and provide permission for reuse of any previously published material
- Disclose any potential conflict of interest
Processing & Publication charges
- KJHS does not charge processing fee for submitted manuscripts.
- However as stated under Formatting Guidelines (under Figures), author(s) will bear the extra cost involved in producing printed colored figures, if required. For color reproduction in print, author(s) will receive information regarding the costs after manuscripts have been accepted for publication.
- Authors who require postage of hard copies will be responsible for service fee for postage.
- Fees charged are subject to review as may be dictated by inflation and overhead running costs.