The Mingled Dynamics of Work Stress, Consequences, and Coping Strategies among Healthcare Workers
Abstract:The levels of work stress were examined among Health Care Workers (HCWs) in this study. It investigated the consequences that work stress has on HCWs and determined the coping strategies adopted by HCWs. The research design employed for this study was descriptive survey method. The population comprised health care workers in a tertiary facility. A total of 244 health care workers filled and returned the questionnaire distributed. Using proportionate sampling technique participants were selected from seven professional strata; while their discipline served as a basis of stratification. An instrument titled “Health care Workers’ Stress, Consequences and Coping Strategies” with reliability coefficient of 0.762, 0.888 and 0.854 using Split-half, Cronbach Alpha and Spearman-Brown respectively was used to data collection tool from the respondents; while questions were extracted from literature with modifications. It was discovered from the results that most of the respondents are going through stress at a high level (66.8%), 22.1% had low level while 11.1% had severe level of stress. They identified back and neck pain; poor eating habits; uncontrolled blood pressure and loneliness has the most devastating consequences that work stress had on them. The coping strategies devised by workers was that they communicate issues of concern through the proper channel; seek clarity about job descriptions from superior when the need arises; engage in self-planned recreation activities and participated in workplace organized recreation activities. It is suggested that counselling services be made functional at work places such as health care facilities.