kjhs Volume. 4, Issue 1 (2024)


Ibrahim I, Yahaya A.I & Umar M.I


Digit ratio Trustworthiness correlation Africa.

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Digit ratio (2D:4D): a contributor to trustworthiness among Africans

Abstract: Studies conducted on Caucasian subjects have shown a link between increased testosterone levels and an increase in interpersonal betrayal behaviors as well as a reduction in the 2D:4D ratio. It's unclear, however, whether this holds for tribes in Africa. Although 2D:4D may be used as a measure of exposure to prenatal testosterone, it is important to recognize that this association is limited to those who identify as Caucasian. The present study aims to determine the association of the 2D:4D ratio with trustworthiness in the African population. Four hundred and two (402) people were selected at random from two organizations in the Kano state. Both TOAKAN and the Tsaya da Kafarka Taxi Drivers Association are involved in this matter. Participating individuals' ages varied from eighteen to fifty (18-50). A direct method of measuring was used to approximate the lengths of the second and fourth digits. To further assess how trustworthy people perceive one another, a 45-question trustworthiness questionnaire (TQ) was also created. The mean value of 2D: 4DR was 0.98±0.04 which was higher than 2D: 4DL with a mean value of 0.96±0.05. Two components of the dependability scale, 2D: 4DRight(R), Total trustworthiness, and Consistency, were shown to have a positive and statistically significant relationship. On the other hand, no association was found between the 2D:4DLeft (L) and any of the dependability metrics.